Research Project Betar Professional School Darsmatdt, Germany 1947-48
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The Jewish Professional School Masada
Darmstadt 1947-48

Samuel Batalion, the Person and his Life
"Samuel Batalion was great organizer and speaker. He spoke with pathos and knew how to move and arouse a large audience." This is how Moshe Mordechelewitz, the madrich, describes Sam in his recollection. Sam as he also was called, came up with the idea of the school, organized like a kibbutz, where all the persons lived and worked or studied together. Below are a excerpts of Samuel Batalion's life and short description of his family.

22.9.1918 born in Stryj in the Austrian/Hungary Empire (It was dissolved at the end of Oct.1918). Languages: German, Polish, Russian, English, Jiddish
Father Natan Batalion-Lebersfeld , Holzkaufman. 18.7.1888 Drohobycz. Last Address Pomiarki, Stryj. Polish citizenship (Grandmother - Batalion, Grandfather - Lebersfeld), Tax collector. Languages: German, Polish, Yiddish
Mother Fanny Batalion geb. Hennenfeld. 10.5.1890 Skole. Last Address Pomiarki, Stryj. Austrian citizenship before marriage. Secretary for a lawyer. Languages: German, Polish, Yiddish
Sister Helen Batalion married Ignatz Farbiarz (name in USA - Farber)
1929-1937 Completed High School (Abitur)at J. PiĨsudzkiGymnasium Stryj
1938 Joined Betar. Said to have met Menachim Begin in Drohowitz (since in 1938 Begin was the head of Betar Poland)
beginning of 1939 Registered Jura Student at University Lemberg
1939 Flight to Russia. Saw what was coming after readin Hitler's book "Mein Kampf"
1940-44 Perm area - worked in Solchoz. Arrested and released (May 14,1944)
1945 Saratov
8.5.1945 Marriage to Sophie Osser (geb. 15.6.1925 ( actually 1920), Free City
Danzig. Marriage date stated as 24.11.1945 but this must be wrong.
28.11.1945 Reach Westberlin by illegal crossing through Russian occupied territory
from Nov. 1945 Hannover (the in laws had reached the city and emmigrated around 1952 to Argentina)
1946 Eschwege D.P. UNRRA Camp. Becomes UNRRA employee and works in the camps Hessen/Lichtenau, Goldkap, Ziegenheim, Wetzlar, Lampertheim and Rochel.
A. 1946 Eschwege  - Police report: It is possible that Batalion was in the IRO-Camp. The members were not obligated to report to the authorities.
B. Until approx. Oct. 1946 in Camp Hess. Litenau
25.10.1946 Registration in Darmstadt. Receives Identification Card: Part I. and Part II.
24.6.1947 Offical appointment as Director of the Jewish Professional School (Akt.Z. 3/9956) by Ministry (not stated which)
1945-49 Regional leader (Hessen) and member of the Betar Zionist Movement
1947-48 Organizes and leads the Betar Group in Darmstadt*
13.9.1947 Unofficial Opening of the Jewish Professional School
9.12.1947 Official Opening of the Jewish Professional School
Winter semester 1947-48 Guest student at the TU University in Darmstadt in Cultur- and Political Sciences
Since 1948 Independent businessman
18.11.1950 Moved to Frankfurt. Eschersheimer Landstr. 108
1.7.1953 Divorce from Sophie Batalion
13.7.54 Receives Passport for traveling
1.2.1955 Receives German Citizenship Papers together with his daughter Lea
7.10.1958 Receives Papers of Deportee
1962 Marries Simone Batalion (Freud)
2000 Dies in Frankfurt
*Samuel was active in the Zionist Revisionary Party until 1949. This Movement fought for the release of all of Israel including the parts of Jordan from the English Occupational Forces. They were mor e liberal in contrast to the more radical groups like “Irgun-Zwai-Leumi“ und der „Sterngroup“.
For More Information Please Contact: Lea Dror-Batalion :
Administrative Services and Webmaster Jewish Professional School, Darmstadt 1947 Haifa, Israel