Research Project Betar Professional School Darsmatdt, Germany 1947-48
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The Professional School Darmstadt 1947-48

American Joint Distribution Committee
The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC or Joint) is a worldwide Jewish relief organization headquartered in New York. It was established in 1914 and is active in more than 70 countries. JDC offers aid to Jewish communities around the world through a network of social and community assistance programs. In addition, JDC contributes millions of dollars in disaster relief and development assistance to non-Jewish communities.
American Zone, DP Camps in the American Zone
Betar Movement
Betar Song
Displaced Persons
Irgun Zvai Leumi (Hebrew) National Military Organization named Etzel, Jewish right-wing underground movement in Palestine, founded in 1931
  The Haganah  (or Hagannah) (means defense in Hebrew) Jewish underground was created in 1920. The official name was "Irgun HaHagannah Ha'vri" - The Hebrew defense organization. They stressed loyalty, secrecy and devotion to humanitarian and Jewish values including the sanctity of life.
IRO International Refugee Organization
International Refugee Organization, (IRO), temporary specialized agency of the United Nations that, between its formal establishment in 1946 and its termination in January 1952, assisted refugees and displaced persons in many countries of Europe and Asia who either could not return to their countries of origin or were unwilling to return for political reasons.
ORT The Organization of Rehabilation through Training
Jewish education and vocational training non-governmental organisation
UNRRA The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
The(UNRRA) was established by agreement of 44 nations on 9 November 1943;
operationscame to an end in the latter part of 1946, with the last staff appointment terminating 31 March 1949. Thepurpose of UNRRA was to "plan,co-ordinate,administer or arrange for the administration of measures for the relief ofvictims of war in any area under the control of any of the UnitedNations through the provision of food, fuel, clothing,
shelter and other basic necessities,medical and other essential services". It ceased operations in the Displaced Persons camps of Europe in 1946. Its functionswere transferred to several UN agencies, including the InternationalRefugee Organization (IRO)
For More Information Please Contact: Lea Dror-Batalion :
Administrative Services and Webmaster Jewish Professional School, Darmstadt 1947 Haifa, Israel